
"patriotism" in Spanish

"patriotism" in Spanish
That is Spanish patriotism and it is also European patriotism.
Eso es patriotismo español y eso es patriotismo europeo.
I also wish to thank and highlight the patriotism of Mr Berenguer and Mr Knörr.
Quiero también agradecer y subrayar el patriotismo del Sr. Berenguer y del Sr.
Patriotism does not permit offence to nations or countries.
El patriotismo no permite ofensas a naciones o países.
Robert Schuman, a great statesman and patriot, shared these views.
Robert Schuman, un gran estadista y patriota compartía estas opiniones.
It was a big day for Parliament when it heard that passionate patriot.
Fue un gran día para el Parlamento escuchar a ese apasionado patriota.
To tell the truth, Mr Seselj's only crime is to be a Serbian patriot.
En realidad, el único delito del señor Seselj es ser un patriota serbio.

Synonyms (English) for "patriotism":
Context examples for "patriotism" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It may, however, be easily extrapolated to any other terrorist cause that may be invoked amid patriotism and flags.
Sin embargo, es perfectamente extrapolable a cualquier otra causa terrorista que se quiera invocar en nombre de patrias y banderas.
Note that the French criteria for representativeness always include the patriotism shown during the years of occupation.
Observemos que entre los criterios de representatividad figura siempre el de la actitud patriótica durante los años de ocupación de mi país.
The present Cambodian Government must not allow the Khmer Rouge leaders to go unpunished for whatever reasons it may have - patriotism, perhaps.
El actual Gobierno camboyano no puede dejar en paz a los dirigentes de los Jemeres rojos, sea cual sea el motivo, incluso si se trata de amor a la patria.
They are quite happy to talk about protectionism, about economic patriotism, about nationalism; in short, they are using the worst kinds of populist argument.
Ante eso, tenemos que apostar claramente por la construcción europea, que es la integración libre de mercados, reconociendo que hay asimetrías en esos mercados.
There is therefore no place for the lamentations of a former Director-General of Police who, right here today, is owning up to his failure, his frustration and his lack of patriotism.
No vale, ante eso, la miseria de un ex Director General de la Policía que, en el día de hoy, aquí, está confesando su fracaso, su frustración y su antipatriotismo.