
"parable" in Spanish

"parable" in Spanish
parábola{f} [rel.]
This fidelity is expressed in the parable not only by his immediate readiness
Tal fidelidad se expresa en la parábola no sólo con la inmediata prontitud en
Mr President, a biblical parable teaches the reader to build his house on a rock.
Señor Presidente, una parábola bíblica enseña al fiel que hay que edificar la casa sobre roca.
This parable was meant as a reference to faith and its foundations.
El sentido de esta parábola se refiere al fundamento de la fe.

Synonyms (English) for "parable":
Context examples for "parable" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
preaching of Christ, expressed in a wonderful and unambiguous way in the parable of the Good Samaritan (cf.
Ponen de relieve los deberes esenciales y, por tanto, indirectamente, los derechos fundamentales, inherentes a la naturaleza de la persona humana» 22.
parable: he was always available for those searching for reconciliation.
siempre estaba disponible para quienes buscaban la reconciliación. Difundía la alegría de la comunión con Dios, recuperada. Exhortaba a las personas a acoger la paz de Cristo y las