
"off the air" in Spanish

"off the air" in English

Similar translations for "off the air" in Spanish
Context examples for "off the air" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Last month, their channel was taken off the air by judicial order.
El pasado mes se vieron obligados a cerrar su emisora por orden judicial.
His response to a TV station critical of his rule was simply to take it off the air.
Su respuesta a un canal de TV que era crítico con su gobierno fue simplemente retirarlo de antena.
off the air
fuera del aire
Could I urge Parliament to show leadership by turning off the air conditioning, because I am frozen and it might help our contribution to climate change?
(EN) ¿Puedo pedir al Parlamento que demuestre su liderazgo y apague el aire acondicionado, porque me estoy congelando y eso nos podría ayudar a contribuir al cambio climático?
This January President Chávez ordered off the air RCTV International and five other cable and satellite TV channels who failed to broadcast his official speech.
El mes de enero el Presidente Chávez ordenó la retirada de la RCTV International y cinco canales más de televisión por cable y satélite que no emitieron su discurso oficial.
In this respect, if the Commission were to give off the air of confidence that it was aware of its political accountability and would act accordingly, I would be in favour of discharge.
Si la Comisión, a pesar de todo esto, transmitiera ahora la confianza de que conoce su responsabilidad política y se pusiera a trabajar en ese sentido, estaría a favor de la aprobación de su gestión.