
"nervous system" in Spanish

"nervous system" in Spanish
hereditary central nervous system demyelinating diseases
enfermedades desmielinizantes del sistema nervioso central hereditarias
Painters ' disease is a disorder of the nervous system.
La enfermedad de los pintores es un trastorno del sistema nervioso.
nervous system lysosomal storage diseases
enfermedades por almacenamiento lisosómico del sistema nervioso

Synonyms (English) for "nervous system":
Context examples for "nervous system" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It damages the nervous system and immune system and is especially harmful to babies and children.
Afecta a los sistemas nervioso e inmunológico y es especialmente dañino para bebés y niños.
This inflammation has been shown to aggravate damage to the nervous system in experimental meningitis studies in animals.
La investigación sobre el uso de corticosteroides para la meningitis ha tenido resultados contradictorios.
In medieval Europe, oat-based potions were recommended to alleviate affections of the central nervous system.
En Europa, poci�nes a base de avena verde eran recomendada para aligerar las afectaci�nes del sistema nerviso central.
that cyclophosphamide may improve symptoms of central nervous system (neuropsychiatric) lupus more than methylprednisolone.
Lamentablemente, no está claro si estos fármacos mejoran los síntomas del lupus del SNC y cuáles son los efectos secundarios.
Both drugs have adverse gastrointestinal (stomach and gut) effects, but amantadine can also have serious effects on the nervous system.
Se debe desalentar el uso habitual de los dos fármacos, los cuales solamente deben ser utilizados cuando todas las otras medidas fracasan.
the sympathetic nervous system
el gran simpático
As we write in this report, damage to the nervous system caused by mercury, pesticides and other chemicals has increased markedly in recent decades.
La comisión ha tenido presentes estos factores y para nosotros, los socialdemócratas, tiene mucha importancia que hayan sido incluidos.
Rimonabant 20 mg caused significant more adverse effects both of general and serious nature, especially of nervous system, psychiatric or gastro-intestinal origin.
El rimonabant 20 mg causó más efectos adversos de naturaleza grave y general, especialmente de origen nervioso, psiquiátrico o gastrointestinal.