
"murder victim" in Spanish

"murder victim" in Spanish

Similar translations for "murder victim" in Spanish
Context examples for "murder victim" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
These acts of violence are often never exposed and sometimes even end in the murder of the victim.
Estos malos tratos, con frecuencia, no salen a la luz, y a veces terminan con la muerte de la víctima.
The autopsy performed in Georgia revealed that he was the victim of murder and had, in all probability, been tortured.
La autopsia practicada en Georgia ha demostrado claramente que se trató de un asesinato con posibles torturas.
Many of you will have seen last weekend the most recent murder victim was a young 22-year-old student on his way home.
Muchos de ustedes habrán visto el pasado fin de semana que la última víctima asesinada fue un joven estudiante de 22 años que se dirigía a su casa.
We are currently conspiring to kill off the Commission, a murder with a willing victim, since the Commission fell in with the Council's proposals last week.
Estamos programando un asesinato de la Comisión, un asesinato que es también un suicidio desde el momento en el que, la semana pasada, la Comisión se adhirió a las propuestas del Consejo.
The murder victim Carlo Giugliani probably did not get such a letter, any more than did the people who were beaten up and shot at in the Diaz School or on the streets of Gothenburg.
El asesinado Carlo Giugliani seguramente no recibió una de estas cartas, ni tampoco las personas que fueron apaleadas y tiroteadas en la Escuela Diaz o en las calles de Gotemburgo.