
"ministerio de agricultura" in English

"ministerio de agricultura" in English
Ayer me encontré en Estocolmo con un representante del Ministerio de Agricultura norteamericano y esta persona no tenía el concepto científico europeo.
Yesterday in Stockholm, I met a representative of the American Department of Agriculture, who did not take the European view of science.
En Irlanda del Norte, los ganaderos y el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural se han esforzado mucho para que Irlanda del Norte sea una zona indemne.
In Northern Ireland, both farmers and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development have worked extremely hard to keep Northern Ireland a free area.

Similar translations for "ministerio de agricultura" in English
Context examples for "ministerio de agricultura" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Fue mal gestionada por la empresa Greencore y el Ministerio de Agricultura del país.
It was handled badly by the company Greencore and our Minister for Agriculture.
En una inspección espontánea realizada por el Ministerio de Agricultura de mi país incluso se descubrió uno.
One was even found in an impromptu inspection by the Ministry of Agriculture in my own country.
Fueron condenados aunque la acción provocara que el ministerio de agricultura finlandés cerrara la piscifactoría.
They were convicted even through the action got the Finnish Agriculture Minister to close the fish farm.
el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Los fallos del Ministerio de Agricultura de un país no deben jamás volver a poner en peligro a la cabaña de nuestro continente.
Our continent's livestock must never again be put in jeopardy by failures in one country's Ministry of Agriculture.
ministerio de agricultura
department of agriculture
Ministerio de Agricultura
Ministry of Agriculture
Ayer me encontré en Estocolmo con un representante del Ministerio de Agricultura norteamericano y esta persona no tenía el concepto científico europeo.
Yesterday in Stockholm, I met a representative of the American Department of Agriculture, who did not take the European view of science.
Los sindicatos agrícolas franceses llegaron a un acuerdo para fijar un precio mínimo, con el consentimiento del Ministro y del Ministerio de Agricultura francés.
French farming unions decided, with the agreement of the French Minister for Agriculture and of his Ministry, to set a minimum price.
En Irlanda del Norte, los ganaderos y el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural se han esforzado mucho para que Irlanda del Norte sea una zona indemne.
In Northern Ireland, both farmers and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development have worked extremely hard to keep Northern Ireland a free area.
No les ha impresionado en absoluto lo que han oído de boca de Michael Forsyth, el Secretario de Estado para Escocia, titular del Ministerio de Agricultura Escocés.
They are not at all impressed by what they have heard from Michael Forsyth, the Secretary of State for Scotland who controls the Scottish Agriculture Minister.
Como el señor Presidente sabe, ha habido incluso manifestaciones frente al Ministerio de Agricultura en España por lo que piensan que es un regalo gratuito que se le hace a Portugal.
As the President is aware, there have even been demonstrations at the Ministry of Agriculture in Spain by those who feel that Portugal is being accorded an advantage.
Si sus colegas del Ministerio de Agricultura se dirigieran a los miembros del Gobierno británico en el Consejo de Ministros, éstos podrían examinar esa cuestión.
Were the members of the British government on the Council of Ministers to be approached by their colleagues in the Ministry of Agriculture, then they might give the matter some consideration.