
"ministry" in Spanish

consejería{f} [pol.] (en España)
In Denmark, it is the Justice Ministry that is responsible for this matter.
En Dinamarca, este asunto es responsabilidad del Ministerio de Justicia.
MICHÈLE BUSSIÈRES, Deputy Ministry of international relations, Québec
Actividades ofrecidas por el Ministerio de Relaciones Internacionales de Québec.
himself to the priestly ministry, particularly in mission lands, is no small
dedicarse al ministerio sacerdotal, especialmente en tierras de misión,
apostolado{m} [rel.]
ecclesial ministries and works of the apostolate are bound up with the
obras de apostolado, están unidos con la Eucaristía y hacia
In Denmark, it is the Justice Ministry that is responsible for this matter.
En Dinamarca, este asunto es responsabilidad del Ministerio de Justicia.
MICHÈLE BUSSIÈRES, Deputy Ministry of international relations, Québec
Actividades ofrecidas por el Ministerio de Relaciones Internacionales de Québec.
regendi by the sacred minister constitute the essence of pastoral ministry,
docendi, sanctificandi et regendi constituye la sustancia del ministerio
secretaría{f} [Mex.]
Ministry of the Interior
Secretaría de Gobernación
Ministry of Agriculture
Secretaría de Agricultura
Ministry of Defence
Secretaría de Defensa

Context examples for "ministry" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Youth Together on the European Roads: Third European Meeting on Youth Ministry
Jóvenes Juntos por los caminos de Europa: Tercer Congreso europeo de Pastoral juvenil
and the ministry that, with my acceptance of my election as Bishop of Rome and
que con la aceptación de la elección a Obispo de Roma y Sucesor del Apóstol
ministry, and to avoid situations of abuse and disciplinary irregularity in
pastoral ministerial, es necesario que, para evitar desviaciones pastorales y
Ministry of Interior - Civil Registry and Migration Department Chilonos Str.
Ministry of Interior - Civil Registry and Migration Department Chilonos Str.
Ministerul Administraţiei şi Internelor Ministry of Administration and Interior Sos.
Ministerul Administraţiei şi Internelor Ministry of Administration and Interior Sos.
Bishop and his priests in the same priesthood and ministry, member ship in it is
participación del Obispo y de los sacerdotes en el mismo sacerdocio y
life of older people, the Church's pastoral ministry to those in the third
de vida de los ancianos, la pastoral de la tercera y la cuarta edad debería
identifies areas of ministry requiring particular attention on the part of the
estudio consistirá en hacer un elenco de las prioridades pastorales que
encouragement for their sense of the ministry, their vocation in life, and
e impulso la conciencia de su ministerialidad, el sentido vocacional de su
ministry, it is possible for everyone, priest, religious or lay person, to
para todos, sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos, alcanzar una elevada comunión
Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Ministry of Science and Higher Education ul.
Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Ministry of Science and Higher Education ul.
the Lay Faithful with the Priestly Ministry", the Holy Father emphasised
presbiteral », ha subrayado la necesidad de aclarar y distinguir las varias
Ministry of Public Health PO box 684 LI - 9490 Vaduz E-mail: info[at]
Ministry of Public Health PO box 684 LI - 9490 Vaduz E-mail: info[at]
Ministère de l'éducation nationale Ministry of National Education Website
Ministère de l'éducation nationale Ministry of National Education Website
ministry of the priests, religious and communities in charge of shrines
los religiosos y de las comunidades responsables de los santuarios (30) y,
for making the other dicasteries aware of the problems of youth ministry,
de otros dicasterios en materia de pastoral y de problemas de juventud,
see his ministry met by a sense of great trust precisely on the part of
acompañado por un sentimiento de gran confianza precisamente por parte de
He was unable to do so on behalf of MrBlair’s Foreign Ministry.
No pudo hacerlo en nombre del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores del señor Blair.
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Al.
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Al.
The secret of his ministry lies in the fact that his hope is on a firm basis which cannot be moved.
Por el contrario, el secreto de su misión está en su esperanza inquebrantable.