
"milicia" in English

"milicia" in English
Los responsables pertenecen a una milicia local, y hay varios policías locales implicados.
The perpetrators belong to a local militia and some local police officers were involved.
Si no se encuentran, su destino será convertirse en esclavas sexuales para los jefes de la milicia.
If they are not found their fate will be one of sex slaves to militia commanders.
El ejército indonesio, la milicia y la policía siguen cometiendo estas atrocidades.
The Indonesian Army and the militia and the police are still committing these atrocities.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "milicia":
Context examples for "milicia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
la milicia local voluntaria durante la segunda guerra mundial
the Home guard
Sin embargo, si enviamos tropas, deben tener un mandato sólido que les permita verdaderamente disuadir a la milicia Janjaweed y a los malhechores.
If we send troops, however, they must have a robust mandate which genuinely enables them to deter the Janjaweed and the bandits.
En San Petersburgo, una reportera de Grazhdansky Golos fue detenida por la milicia rusa por "encontrarse en un colegio electoral sin autorización".
In St Petersburg, a reporter of Grazhdansky Golos was detained by the militsiya for 'being in a polling station without authorisation'.
Un reportero de Vpered ("Adelante"), diario local de Khimki, en la región de Moscú, fue atacado por agentes de la milicia cuando intentaba depositar su voto.
A reporter of Vpered (Forward), a local daily from Khimki in the Moscow Oblast, was attacked by militsiya officers when he tried to put in his ballot.
Como ya se ha dicho, sería absolutamente inaceptable que se levantase el embargo de armas, especialmente a la luz del hecho de que los militares indonesios no han desarmado a la milicia.
As has been said already, it would be completely unacceptable that the arms embargo be lifted, especially in the light of the fact that the Indonesian military have failed to disarm.