
"militia" in Spanish

"militia" in Spanish
The perpetrators belong to a local militia and some local police officers were involved.
Los responsables pertenecen a una milicia local, y hay varios policías locales implicados.
If they are not found their fate will be one of sex slaves to militia commanders.
Si no se encuentran, su destino será convertirse en esclavas sexuales para los jefes de la milicia.
The Indonesian Army and the militia and the police are still committing these atrocities.
El ejército indonesio, la milicia y la policía siguen cometiendo estas atrocidades.

Synonyms (English) for "militia":
Context examples for "militia" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, a group of former members of the militia who fought for the Republic during the Spanish Civil War are present in the gallery today.
Señor Presidente, en la tribuna del hemiciclo se encuentra hoy una representación de milicianos republicanos de nuestra Guerra Civil.
In truth, we ask you: is the slaughter of 100 000 civilians in Fallujah in one week by the American militia terrorism or is it not?
Por ello les preguntamos sinceramente:¿es o no terrorismo la matanza de 100 000 civiles en Faluya en una semana a manos de militares estadounidenses?
Only those with funds and a private militia were able, and allowed, to take part, which begs the question of where the money came from all of a sudden.
Solo aquellos que disponían de fondos y de un ejército privado pudieron tomar parte, lo cual plantea la cuestión de dónde procedía el dinero así, de repente.