
"merluza" in English

"merluza" in English
Los cotos propuestos para la merluza son igualmente inaceptables.
The restricted areas proposed for hake are also unacceptable.
Estos planes pretenden que las poblaciones de bacalao y merluza vuelvan a niveles sostenibles.
These plans seek to restore stocks of cod and hake to sustainable levels.
Existe una nueva iniciativa en curso sobre la merluza del sur.
There is a further initiative in the pipeline covering Southern hake.

Context examples for "merluza" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La situación además se agrava por el elevado precio recomendado para la merluza austral.
The situation is further exacerbated by the high price offered for the toothfish.
Existe una nueva iniciativa en curso sobre la merluza del sur.
And I believe that we must insist on this involvement and this participation.
Señor Presidente, me gustaría concluir con dos breves observaciones acerca de los elefantes y la merluza austral.
Mr President, I would like to conclude with two short remarks on elephants and toothfish.
– Señor Presidente, la población de merluza del norte ha rebasado los límites biológicos seguros.
The technical measures, which, as we have said, have produced good results, are completely overlooked.
Es injustificable que la merluza austral esté siendo exterminada a causa de esta pesca ilegal.
It is indefensible that the Antarctic cod is on the verge of being wiped out as a result of this illegal fishing.
Entre las poblaciones de peces de importancia comercial en el momento actual figuran la merluza, el jurel, la sardinela y la anchoa.
The report provides some basic background material that I shall briefly cover here.
Para el futuro plan de gestión de la merluza del sur también hemos designado ponente al Sr.
The combination of these two aspects is something fundamental which we hope will be taken into account in the future.
Señora Presidenta, en un plazo de veinte años las poblaciones de bacalao y merluza se han reducido a una cuarta parte.
Madam President, during the course of 20 years, cod stocks in the North Sea have shrunk by three-quarters.
La gestión de la merluza y las cigalas en el Golfo de Cádiz es un asunto importante dada la abundancia de merluza juvenil en esa zona.
I could support Amendment 25, subject to the extension of the review period to four years rather than two years.
También deseo agradecer al señor Varela Suanzes-Carpegna su buena labor en el plan de la merluza.
The amendments proposed in the committee’ s report recognise that management action, rather than drastic fleet cuts, is more appropriate for this stock.
Un plan de control para la merluza del norte con un seguimiento y una aplicación adecuados es suficiente para ofrecer a esta especie un futuro.
Relying on ill-defined data, the Commission is proposing a drastic reduction in the quantity of fish to be caught.
¿Ha presentado la Comisión una propuesta que contiene medidas para recuperar los stocks de bacalao y merluza?
Who would seriously call their data into question?
Las cifras para el pasado año en mi región reflejan que las retiradas de abadejo aumentaron en un 50 %, y las de merluza subieron en un 30 %.
Last year's figures for my region showed that haddock withdrawals increased by 50 % and whiting withdrawals were up by 30 %.
merluza en salsa verde
hake in a parsley and wine sauce
merluza al ajo arriero
hake with garlic and chilis
merluza a la vasca
hake in a garlic sauce
merluza a la romana
hake steaks in batter
merluza a la riojana
hake with chilis
coger una merluza
to get plastered
coger una merluza
to get sozzled