
"madre patria" in English

"madre patria" in English
madre patria{feminine}
No tenemos ninguna madre patria que nos acoja cuando nos encontramos en una situación como esa.
We have no mother country to take us in when we find ourselves in such a situation.
Según Pekín, con sus palabras envenenadas ha querido azuzar a sus camaradas taiwaneses para que odien a sus compatriotas de la madre patria.
According to Beijing, with her poisonous words she wanted to stir up her Taiwanese comrades to hate their fellow countrymen in the mother country, i. e.
Este documento, en comparación con el visado normal, facilitaría a los rusos de Kaliningrado poder viajar a su madre patria, y además salvaguardaría la soberanía de Lituania.
It would make it easier for the Kaliningrad Russians to travel to their mother country than is the case with normal visas, but it would also safeguard Lithuania's sovereignty.

Similar translations for "madre patria" in English
Context examples for "madre patria" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No tenemos ninguna madre patria que nos acoja cuando nos encontramos en una situación como esa.
We have no mother country to take us in when we find ourselves in such a situation.
la madre patria
the old country
Según Pekín, con sus palabras envenenadas ha querido azuzar a sus camaradas taiwaneses para que odien a sus compatriotas de la madre patria.
According to Beijing, with her poisonous words she wanted to stir up her Taiwanese comrades to hate their fellow countrymen in the mother country, i. e. Beijing.
Este documento, en comparación con el visado normal, facilitaría a los rusos de Kaliningrado poder viajar a su madre patria, y además salvaguardaría la soberanía de Lituania.
It would make it easier for the Kaliningrad Russians to travel to their mother country than is the case with normal visas, but it would also safeguard Lithuania's sovereignty.