
"machine work" in Spanish

"machine work" in English

Similar translations for "machine work" in Spanish
Context examples for "machine work" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
At voting time on the final report, my voting machine did not work.
A la hora de votar por el informe final, mi dispositivo de voto no funcionaba.
I called to the attention of the Chair the fact that my machine did not work.
Señalé a la atención de la Presidencia que mi máquina no funcionaba.
In fact I voted every time, except once when the machine did not work.
En realidad, voté en todas las ocasiones, excepto una en que la máquina no funcionaba.
Perhaps I was late coming in, or maybe my voting machine did not work.
No sé si llegué demasiado tarde o si simplemente no funcionó.
then you sit back and let the machine do the work
después usted simplemente deja que la máquina haga el trabajo
This is a huge machine which must work smoothly.
Es una maquinaria gigante que debe funcionar con suavidad.
However, my voting machine did not work and I wish to record my vote in favour of this report for the record.
Mi mecanismo de votación no ha funcionado y quisiera que conste en el Acta mi voto a favor de este informe.
the machine does the work of five people
la máquina hace el trabajo de cinco personas
do you know how to work the machine?
¿sabes manejar la máquina?
No, the machine does not work!'
¡No, el aparato no funciona!".
I believe that you should take account of the fact that a machine does not work, especially if the Member informs you straightaway.
Creo que debería tener en cuenta el hecho de que una máquina no funcione, especialmente cuando el diputado le informa de antemano.
If there is an equality of votes and if the honourable Member did vote, even though her machine did not work, then the procedure in any parliamentary assembly is that amendment falls.
Si hay igualdad de votos y si el diputado votó, aun cuando su máquina no funcionara, el procedimiento en cualquier asamblea parlamentaria es el de que se rechaza la enmienda.