
"luso" in English

"luso" in English
"luso" in Spanish
En efecto, para los portugueses, tal afirmación reviste un provincialismo luso-tropicalista, baste leer para ello la prensa escrita europea.
In fact, for the Portuguese, this was a kind of Luso-tropicalist provincialism, as apparent from the European press.
Simples infracciones, como adentrarse en aguas lusas, han sido contestadas, recientemente, en dos ocasiones, con ametrallamientos que, gracias a la Providencia, no han provocado víctimas.
Simple violations, such as entering Portuguese waters, have recently, on two occasions, been responded to with machine-guns which, thanks to Providence, have not injured anybody.
La declaración conjunta luso-china establece los derechos civiles, políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales, que se han venido respetando.
The Joint Sino-Portuguese Declaration defines civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, which have been respected, and the territory does not have the death penalty.
Llamada de abstracts - Congresso Luso Brasileiro de Direito do Patrimônio Cultural 18 - 19 marzo 2011.
Call for Papers - Congresso Luso Brasileiro de Direito do Patrimônio Cultural 18 - 19 March 2011.
La culminación en Braga, hace diez días, de la XXIII Cumbre luso-española ha supuesto un hito decisivo.
The culmination in Braga ten days ago of the 23rd Luso-Spanish Summit was a decisive milestone.
En efecto, para los portugueses, tal afirmación reviste un provincialismo luso-tropicalista, baste leer para ello la prensa escrita europea.
In fact, for the Portuguese, this was a kind of Luso-tropicalist provincialism, as apparent from the European press.
En efecto, para los portugueses, tal afirmación reviste un provincialismo luso-tropicalista, baste leer para ello la prensa escrita europea.
In fact, for the Portuguese, this was a kind of Luso-tropicalist provincialism, as apparent from the European press.
La declaración conjunta luso-china establece los derechos civiles, políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales, que se han venido respetando.
The Joint Sino-Portuguese Declaration defines civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, which have been respected, and the territory does not have the death penalty.
Simples infracciones, como adentrarse en aguas lusas, han sido contestadas, recientemente, en dos ocasiones, con ametrallamientos que, gracias a la Providencia, no han provocado víctimas.
Simple violations, such as entering Portuguese waters, have recently, on two occasions, been responded to with machine-guns which, thanks to Providence, have not injured anybody.
Call for Papers - Congresso Luso Brasileiro de Direito do Patrimônio Cultural 18 - 19 March 2011.
Llamada de abstracts - Congresso Luso Brasileiro de Direito do Patrimônio Cultural 18 - 19 marzo 2011.
The culmination in Braga ten days ago of the 23rd Luso-Spanish Summit was a decisive milestone.
La culminación en Braga, hace diez días, de la XXIII Cumbre luso-española ha supuesto un hito decisivo.
In fact, for the Portuguese, this was a kind of Luso-tropicalist provincialism, as apparent from the European press.
En efecto, para los portugueses, tal afirmación reviste un provincialismo luso-tropicalista, baste leer para ello la prensa escrita europea.