
"Lord Mayor" in Spanish

"Lord Mayor" in English

Context examples for "Lord Mayor" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Lord Mayor, against whom the case has been brought, fears for his political future.
El alcalde demandado teme por su futuro político.
I am writing to the Lord Mayor of Manchester to pass on this message to the injured and to their families.
Enviaré una carta al LordAlcalde de Manchester pidiéndole que transmita este mensaje a los heridos y a sus familias.
The Lord Mayor of Leicester, Councillor John Allen and the Lady Mayoress, Mrs Allan, are in the public gallery.
El Excelentísimo Alcalde de Leicester, el Concejal John Allen y la Sra. Alcaldesa, la Sra. Allan, se encuentran en la tribuna pública.
17.00 Cocktail Reception hosted by the City of Melbourne (Reception Room) Councillor Ivan Deveson, Lord Mayor, City of Melbourne
17.00 Cóctel ofrecido por la ciudad de Melbourne (Portico Room) Consejero Ivan Deveson, Ilmo. Alcalde de la ciudad de Melbourne
Professor Kenneth Wiltshire, President, Australian National Commission for UNESCO Councillor Ivan Deveson, Lord Mayor of Melbourne.
Professor Kenneth Wiltshire, Presidente de la Comisión Nacional Australiana de la UNESCO. Ilmo. Ivan Deveson, Alcalde de Melbourne Excmo.
I am sure he will not forget the profession of European faith he has carried out here when he assumes his role of Lord Mayor in the weeks to come.
Estoy seguro que la profesión de fe europea que ha hecho, no la olvidará en su cargo de burgomaestre al que accederá en las próximas semanas.
This twinning is an important political and social union and I very much hope you will welcome the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress here in Strasbourg.
Este hermanamiento constituye una importante unión política y social y confío en que dé la bienvenida a Estrasburgo al Sr. Alcalde y la Sra. Alcaldesa.