
"lo embarazoso" in English

"lo embarazoso" in English
awkwardness{noun} (of situation)

Similar translations for "lo embarazoso" in English
Context examples for "lo embarazoso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me hago cargo de lo embarazoso que esto es para mis antiguos camaradas laboristas, y comprendo que deseen que se elimine esa referencia.
I understand the embarrassment of my Labour ex-comrades and can see that they would like this removed.
Se siguieron instrucciones del Ministro de Interior británico, cuyo hijo acababa de ser detenido por tráfico de drogas, por lo que resultaba embarazoso apoyar el informe.
It was under instructions from the British Home Secretary whose son had just been done for drug dealing and it was embarrassing for it to support the report.
Durante mucho tiempo he estado intentando averiguar cuánto cuesta realmente todo el sinfín de viajes a Estrasburgo y lo embarazoso es que nadie ha sido capaz de proporcionarme una respuesta.
I have been trying for a long time to find out what the travelling circus to Strasbourg really costs, and what is embarrassing is that no one has been able to give me an answer.