
"librecambismo" in English

"librecambismo" in English
Después, ha llegado el momento de tener más en cuenta las crecientes contestaciones al librecambismo a ultranza.
It is also time that we took greater account of the growing dissatisfaction with the practices of out-and-out free trade.
Esta reforma no será posible más que si se da marcha atrás en la aplicación de las reglas del librecambismo a la agricultura.
This reform will only be possible if we reconsider the application to agriculture of the rules of the free-trade system.
Hay que dar la espalda al librecambismo mundial, al liberalismo salvaje y apátrida, que terminará por matar de hambre a nuestros pueblos.
We must turn our backs on global free trade, on unbridled, stateless liberalism, which will eventually reduce our populations to starvation.

Context examples for "librecambismo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No es la del ultraliberalismo, la del librecambismo y de la globalización.
It is not the Europe of ultra-liberals, free traders and internationalists.
Segunda lección: Una agricultura de calidad, que asegure cierta independencia alimentaria, no podrá sobrevivir en Europa en un contexto de librecambismo mundial.
Lesson number two: quality farming, which ensures a certain independence in regard to food, cannot survive in Europe in the context of a global free market.
Polémica artificial, por último, porque la primera y verdadera política de empleo a nivel europeo era la política comercial común, que Europa ha enterrado lanzándose de lleno al librecambismo.
And it is also artificial polemic because the first and real employment policy at European level was the common trade policy, which Europe buried when it launched itself into all-out free trading.