
"libre de obstáculos" in English

"libre de obstáculos" in English

Similar translations for "libre de obstáculos" in English
Context examples for "libre de obstáculos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lo que necesitamos es un mercado común libre de obstáculos.
What we need is an obstacle-free common market.
Lograr estos resultados, y quizá inusitadamente he subestimado la cuestión, no va a estar libre de obstáculos.
Achieving these results – and perhaps I uncharacteristically understate the point – is not without obstacles.
Los productos de construcción constituyen una parte bastante considerable del mercado interior de la UE, que aún no está libre de obstáculos comerciales.
Construction products account for a very considerable part of the EUʼ s Internal Market, which is not yet free from barriers to trade.
Los productos de construcción constituyen una parte bastante considerable del mercado interior de la UE, que aún no está libre de obstáculos comerciales.
Construction products account for a very considerable part of the EUʼs Internal Market, which is not yet free from barriers to trade.
En segundo lugar, el nivel de consolidación lo determina el mercado, regulado de manera equitativa y transparente, libre de obstáculos injustificados.
Secondly, it is the justly regulated, transparent market, free of unjustified obstacles, which decides what the level of consolidation should be.
Lo más importante es garantizar un suministro ininterrumpido de energía y libre de obstáculos que nos permita impedir y superar situaciones de emergencia.
Ensuring an unhindered and uninterrupted energy supply to the European Union, thus preventing and overcoming emergency situations, is therefore of the utmost importance.