
"letter of intent" in Spanish

"letter of intent" in English

Context examples for "letter of intent" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It has not really been a disaster, even if the agreement is merely a letter of intent.
En realidad no ha sido un desastre, aunque el acuerdo sea una mera declaración de intenciones.
letter of intent
contrato de intención
letter of intent
carta de intenciones
There is nothing in the Treaty so far as I know - I hope Mr Bangemann can change my mind on this - which says that such a letter of intent constitutes a legal obligation.
En éste, por lo que yo sé -espero que el Sr. Bangemann pueda cambiar mi opinión al respecto-, no hay nada que diga que una carta así de comunicación de intenciones constituya una obligación jurídica.