
"Judgment Day" in Spanish

"Judgment Day" in Spanish

Similar translations for "Judgment Day" in Spanish
Context examples for "Judgment Day" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Thamud and A'ad called the Stunning Calamity (the Day of Judgment) a lie.
¡[Las tribus de] Zamud y Aad desmintieron [los anuncios de] esa calamidad repentina!
Again, what will convey unto you what the Day of Judgment Is?
Y una vez más: ¿Qué puede hacerte concebir lo que será ese Día del Juicio?
And, verily, the curse shall be upon you until the Day of Judgment.
y tendrás por merecido [Mi] rechazo hasta el Día del Juicio!
And what will convey unto you what the Day of Judgment is?
¿Y qué puede hacerte concebir lo que será ese Día del Juicio?
They ask, "When will be the day of judgment?
esos que [desdeñosamente] preguntan: “¿Cuándo llegará ese Día del Juicio?
And surely My curse is on you till the Day of Judgment.
y Mi rechazo será tu merecido hasta el Día del Juicio!
And those who accept the truth of the Day of Judgment
y que confirman [la llegada de] el Día del Juicio;
Who give the lie to the Day of Judgment.
esos que desmienten [la llegada de] el Día del Juicio!:
They shall enter it on the Day of Judgment.
[un fuego] en el que entrarán en el Día del Juicio,
And who, I ardently hope, will forgive me my sins on the Day of Judgment.
¡Oh Sustentador mío!
And we used to call the Day of Judgment a lie;
y tachábamos de mentira el Día del Juicio –
The Ruler of the Day of Judgment!
¡Señor del Día del Juicio!
This is the Day of Judgment.
¡Este es el Día del Juicio!
Here are ye, wrangling for them about this world's life: - but who shall wrangle with Allah for them on the Day of Judgment, or who shall be their defender?
¿Queréis vosotros abogar en su favor en esta vida?
the day of judgment
el día del Juicio Final
Day of Judgment
día del Juicio Final
Their freedom is a right and a duty, their responsibility is politics, and, as Popper once said, their judgment day comes on election day.
Su libertad es un derecho y una obligación, su responsabilidad es la política y, como decía Popper, el día de su juicio es el día de las elecciones.
And every man's augury (fate) have We fastened on his own neck; and We will bring forth for him on the Day of Judgment a book offered to him wide open.
Y a cada ser humano le hemos atado al cuello su destino; y en el Día de la Resurrección le sacaremos un registro que encontrará abierto;
To every people was sent a Messenger; and when their Messenger comes to them (on the Day of Judgment), it will be judged between them fairly, and they will not be wronged.
Y sin embargo, [quienes niegan la verdad] suelen preguntar: “¿Cuando se cumplirá esa promesa [de resurrección y juicio]?
They are those who disbelieve in the signs of their Lord and in their meeting Him; vain are their works; and We will not give them any weight on the Day of Judgment.
Esa será su recompensa --[su] infierno-- por haber negado la verdad y haber hecho a Mis mensajes y a Mis enviados blanco de sus burlas.