
"involuntariamente" in English

"involuntariamente" in English
Pero en realidad compramos involuntariamente juguetes que contienen carcinógenos y plomo.
But in reality we involuntarily buy toys which contain carcinogens and lead.
El 33% de las mujeres trabajan involuntariamente a tiempo parcial frente a un 6% de los hombres.
33% of women work part time involuntarily compared to 6% of men. Only 10% of women achieve high-level positions.
El deporte, como lo ha planteado involuntariamente la sentencia Bosman, no es una simple actividad económica que se ha de tratar según las reglas de la competencia.
Sport, as the 1995 Bosman judgment involuntarily revealed, is not just an economic activity to be dealt with in accordance with competition rules.
unintentionally{adv.} (hurt, hear)
Creo que, involuntariamente, refuerzan la situación de crisis.
I believe that, albeit unintentionally, they are compounding this crisis situation.
En algunos casos, es posible que se envíe información personal a Microsoft involuntariamente.
In some instances, personal information might unintentionally be sent to Microsoft.
El informe del señor Lehne indica, hasta cierto punto involuntariamente, los problemas y los riesgos implicados.
Mr Lehne's report indicates, to some extent unintentionally, the problems and the risks involved.
involuntaria{adjective feminine}
al riesgo de transferencia involuntaria de genes a otros organismos: la enmienda 12 que pedía que se tomaran medidas para impedir esta transferencia involuntaria, no se ha aprobado.
On the risk of unintentional gene -transfers to other organisms: Amendment No 12, which called for measures to be taken to prevent such unintentional transfers, was not adopted.

Context examples for "involuntariamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, este informe pone de relieve involuntariamente dos problemas.
Madam President, without intending to do so, this report raises two problems.
A veces estos vínculos se establecieron voluntariamente y otras veces involuntariamente.
Sometimes, those connections were made willingly and, at other times, unwillingly.
Voluntaria o involuntariamente se ha producido una congestión que llega a los 40 mil millones.
Whether intentional or not, a backlog has occurred here accounting for more than 40 billion.
Supongo que esa frase se omitió involuntariamente al traducir el texto.
It may just have been the translation tailing off.
No importa si ella ha pecado voluntariamente o involuntariamente o si ha sido violada.
It makes no great difference whether she has transgressed voluntarily or against her will, that is to say been raped.
había admitido involuntariamente su culpabilidad
she had made an inadvertent admission of guilt
Como he dicho, se engaña a las personas, a veces con su consentimiento; pero si matan, siempre es involuntariamente.
As I said, people are deceived, sometimes with their own consent; but if they kill, it is always without wanting to.
Y uno también se pone involuntariamente a pensar en el proyecto de vigilancia de los barcos en la zona discutido cuando el acuerdo fue firmado.
And what about the plan to monitor vessels in the area which was discussed when the agreement was signed.
Si ha presionado accidentalmente la tecla Bloq Mayús, está escribiendo involuntariamente la contraseña con todas las letras mayúsculas.
If you have accidentally pressed CAPS LOCK, then you're inadvertently typing your password in all capital letters.
Las nuevas normas relativas al etiquetado textil ayudarán a que los consumidores dejen de comprar involuntariamente productos textiles fabricados con piel o pelo natural.
The new textile labelling rules should help stop consumers from unwittingly buying textile products made from real fur or leather.
Si se encontrara que son portadores de una nueva cepa de gripe o SRAS, en cuestión de horas podrían, involuntariamente, poner en peligro la vida de millones de personas.
If they were found to be carrying a new strain of influenza or SARS they could within a few hours unwittingly put the lives of millions at risk.
Ahora bien, las enmiendas propuestas tendrían por efecto –involuntariamente, estoy segura– limitar las acciones propuestas por la Comisión a favor de los nuevos Estados miembros.
However, the proposed amendments would have the effect – unintended, I am sure – of limiting the actions that have been proposed by the Commission in favour of the new Member States.
Mientras que este programa va más bien en el buen sentido, -es decir una transferencia de tecnología a los países en vías de desarrollo- la Comisión, quizá involuntariamente, le ha puesto freno.
Although this programme is heading in the right direction, i. e. technology transfer to developing countries, the Commission has, perhaps unwittingly, applied a brake.