
"intoxicated" in Spanish

They shall not suffer with headache thereby, nor shall they get intoxicated (or exhausted),
que no nublará sus mentes ni les embriagará;
What Mr Moreno has done here is to intoxicate Parliament comme d'habitude with issues that do not have anything to do with the report or with the heart of the matter.
El señor Moreno lo que ha hecho aquí es intoxicar comme d'habitude al Parlamento con cuestiones que nada tienen que ver ni con el informe ni con el fondo del asunto.

Synonyms (English) for "intoxicated":
Context examples for "intoxicated" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He is never asked what he is doing out at that time or why he is intoxicated.
Nadie le pregunta qué hace en la calle a esa hora o por qué está bebido.
Today, the medical profession is certain: it is humans, all over the planet, who are intoxicated.
Francamente, no nos ha gustado el comportamiento del señor Barroso.
They would only say, "Our eye-sight is only intoxicated; nay, we have been bewitched by sorcery (or hypnotized)!
sin duda habrían dicho: “¡Son sólo nuestros ojos, que están fascinados!
intoxicated driving program unit
unidad del programa para conductores que manejan en estado drogado
intoxicated driver resource center
centro de recursos de conductores drogados
intoxicated driver resource center
centro de recursos de conductores ebrios
to drive while intoxicated
conducir bajo la influencia de alcohol
to drive while intoxicated
conducir bajo la influencia de drogas
driving while intoxicated
manejar bajo la influencia de alcohol
driving while intoxicated
manejar bajo la influencia de drogas
to drive while intoxicated
conducir en estado drogado
to drive while intoxicated
conducir en estado ebrio
intoxicated with pleasure
embriagado de placer
intoxicated with sth
ebrio de algo