
"intangible" in English

"intangible" in English
intangible{adjective masculine/feminine}
intangible{adjective masculine/feminine}
III Jornadas del Mercosur sobre Patrimonio Intangible 13 abr - 16 abr 2011.
Mercosur Third Conference on Intangible Cultural Heritage 13 abr - 16 abr 2011.
• Integridad visual y valores del patrimonio cultural intangible.
• Visual integrity and intangible cultural heritage values.
We are talking here about intellectual property, in other words the ownership of something intangible and imponderable - ideas.
Aquí estamos hablando de propiedad intelectual, es decir, de propiedad de un bien impalpable, imponderable: la idea.
intangible{adj. m/f}
Mercosur Third Conference on Intangible Cultural Heritage 13 abr - 16 abr 2011.
III Jornadas del Mercosur sobre Patrimonio Intangible 13 abr - 16 abr 2011.
• Visual integrity and intangible cultural heritage values.
• Integridad visual y valores del patrimonio cultural intangible.
tangible{adj. m/f}
There has been definite and tangible progress in the fight against corruption.
Se ha producido un progreso definitivo y tangible en la lucha contra la corrupción.
This will have a tangible effect if the funds are applied sensibly.
Dicho apoyo tendrá un efecto tangible si los fondos se aplican de forma sensata.
Nonetheless, I fully endorse this tangible evidence of European solidarity.
No obstante, apoyo plenamente esta prueba tangible de la solidaridad europea.
These increased opportunities must now be backed up by something tangible and meaningful.
Ahora debemos conferirles un contenido concreto y racional a estas acrecentadas capacidades.
This could be a first tangible step towards allowing Parliament to be a real parliament.
Éste podría ser un primer paso concreto para permitir a este Parlamento ser un verdadero Parlamento.
Specific measures are needed with tangible and quantifiable results.
Necesitamos medidas concretas con resultados tangibles y cuantificables.
This is tangible and quantifiable progress towards a positive statement of assurance.
Esto es un avance palpable y cuantificable hacia una declaración de fiabilidad positiva.
There has been tangible progress, but the problems – and the challenges – are still enormous.
Ha habido un progreso palpable, pero los problemas –y los desafíos– continúan siendo enormes.
There has been tangible progress, but the problems – and the challenges – are still enormous.
Ha habido un progreso palpable, pero los problemas – y los desafíos– continúan siendo enormes.

Synonyms (English) for "intangible":
Context examples for "intangible" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Constantinopla, lo cual constituye la intangible profesión de fe de todos los cristianos.
the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople, which is the unalterable profession of faith of all Christians.
Si queremos protegerlo no debemos hacerlo de manera tan intangible que toleremos el abuso de esa libertad.
If we want to protect it, then we must not make it so sacrosanct that we allow that freedom to be abused.
La gestión de nuestro grupo se fundó en un principio básico intangible: el cuerpo humano no es una mercancía.
Our group's position is based on an inviolable basic principle: that the human body is not a commodity.
Se trata de un derecho intangible si queremos hacer frente a las realidades y resolver los conflictos de manera armoniosa.
This is an inviolable right if we wish to face up to the reality and resolve conflicts in a harmonious manner.
de su "carácter intangible".
revelation that they are in a certain sense "set apart".
.: 268 The role of landscape, memory and identity as a basis for sense of place and intangible values in the concept of historic urban landscapes.
Ref.: 274 Collective memory in the urban landscape: which memorials for a traumatic past?
Es preciso también, y se trata de un principio intangible, atenernos a la calificación por la cual el diputado se ve perseguido.
We must also focus solely on the charge laid against the Member, and this is a principle that cannot be violated.
Señora Presidenta, la ampliación hacia el Este es inevitable e intangible, está inscrita en la Historia.
Madam President, the enlargement of the European Union towards the east is written in the stars, and is therefore as inevitable as it is inviolable.
El principio intangible primum non nocere sólo puede reservarse a la terapia alopática, pero se aplica al arte de curar en todas sus formas.
The vital principle of primum non nocere cannot be reserved only to allopathic therapy but must apply to the art of curing in all forms.
activo fijo intangible
intangible fixed asset
.: 189 La memoria colectiva en el paisaje urbano histórico y el reflejo del patrimonio cultural intangible.
Ref.: 107 Urban Renewal and Sustainability of Historical Urban Center Sachiko MORISHIGE (Japan), Hisako KOURA (Japan), Mitsuo TAKADA (Japan)
., ‘Assembling heritage: investigating the UNESCO proclamation of Bedouin intangible heritage in Jordan’, in International Journal of Heritage Studies VOL 18; NUMB 2 (2012) pp.107-123
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Para los Estados de derecho, el principio pacta sunt servanda es intangible y los acuerdos concluidos comprometen al Estado y no a uno u otro gobierno en particular.
For States governed by the rule of law, the principle of pacta sunt servanda is inviolable, and an agreement entered into commits the State and not one particular government.