
"inhalando" in English

"inhalando" in English
Se suicidó inhalando los gases de escape de su coche, porque había sido acusado, señor Oostlander, de tráfico de drogas, pues la policía había encontrado en su bolsillo 2,5 g de hachís.
He committed suicide by inhaling the exhaust fumes of his car, because he had been accused, Mr Oostlander, of drug trafficking after the police found 2.5g of hashish on his person.
Así mismo, los no fumadores corren riesgos, ya que tienen que inhalar el humo de los que fuman.
Non-smokers run risks too because they are obliged to inhale the smoke of those smoking around them.
Los matarán enfermedades del corazón, de los pulmones o el cáncer por haber inhalado humo de tabaco.
They will be killed by diseases of the heart or lungs or by cancer because they inhale tobacco smoke.
Un total de 30 000 están en uso, los usuarios han inhalado millones de veces, con excelentes resultados.
A full 30 000 are in use - people have inhaled millions of times, with excellent results.
to sniff {v.t.} (glue)
inhalar pegamento
to sniff glue
to freebase {vb} [slg.]