
"indistinguishable" in Spanish

"indistinguishable" in Spanish
indistinguible{adj. m/f}
indistinguishable from sth
indistinguible de algo
The two are more or less indistinguishable, both in their effects on human kind and on the animals with whom we share this planet.
Ambos son prácticamente indistinguibles respecto de sus efectos tanto sobre el hombre como sobre los animales con los que compartimos este planeta.
We should ensure that for the visually impaired, in particular, the notes are distinguishable by touch.
Debemos velar por que los billetes sean distinguibles por el tacto para las personas con capacidad visual reducida, en particular.

Synonyms (English) for "indistinguishable":
Context examples for "indistinguishable" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I have heard speeches from Mr Cohn-Bendit and Mr Le Pen which I consider to be indistinguishable.
He escuchado las intervenciones del Sr. Cohn-Bendit y del Sr. Le Pen, y me han parecido idénticas.
Otherwise, it will cease to have any meaning and will become indistinguishable from national policy on culture.
De lo contrario, dejará de tener significado y no se distinguirá de la política cultural nacional.
the two products are quite indistinguishable
es imposible distinguir un producto del otro
indistinguishable from sth
indistinguible de algo
It was and is particularly important that the statements by the Council and the Member States of the European Union were almost indistinguishable from those made by our partners in the Quartet.
Era y es particularmente importante que las declaraciones del Consejo y de los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea sean casi idénticas a las que han hecho nuestro socios del« Cuarteto».