
"impresionarse" in English

Señora Presidenta, quería impresionar al Comisario Fischler, pero por desgracia no está presente.
Madam President, I was just about to impress the Commissioner, Mr Fischler, but unfortunately, he is absent at the moment.
– Señor Presidente, el informe Guellec no me impresiona por tres razones.
Mr President, the Guellec report does not impress me, for three reasons.
No nos dejemos impresionar por esos falsos rumores y atengámonos al texto del informe.
We are not impressed by these false rumours, but are continuing to look at the text of the report.
En realidad a todos nos impresionaron esos ataques.
In fact we were all shocked by those attacks.
También estoy impresionado con el bajo nivel de aceptación entre la población.
I am also shocked at the low level of acceptance among the population.
Ha quedado impresionada por el asesinato del Sr. Adali, eminente periodista e intelectual turco.
It was shocked by the murder of Mr Adali, an eminent Turkish intellectual and journalist.
to shake[shook · shaken] {v.t.} (shock, surprise)
La opinión pública, impresionada por las horribles imágenes
Public opinion, shaken by the horrible pictures which enter homes
Creo que esta mañana, mientras nos preparamos para la votación, a todos nos ha impresionado mucho lo que el Sr. Wurtz nos acababa de comunicar.
I believe that, this morning, as we prepare to vote, we are all shaken by what Mr Wurtz has just told us.
Señor Presidente, me impresiona que el Consejo sepa mucho menos sobre este tema de lo que se ha publicado en la prensa turca.
Mr President-in-Office of the Council, I am astounded that the Council knows far less about this than the Turkish press.

Context examples for "impresionarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hace unos instantes, cuando ha mencionado las iniciativas para Argelia, no ha señalado que el Parlamento Europeo había sido el primero en impresionarse con la situación en este país.
Earlier, when you were talking of the initiatives for Algeria, you did not note that the European Parliament was the first to react to the situation in that country.