
"immodesty" in Spanish

That is the question, if you will allow my immodesty.
Esta es la cuestión, si me permiten la inmodestia.
That is the question, if you will allow my immodesty.
Esta es la cuestión, si me permiten la inmodestia.
deshonestidad{f} [oldfsh.] (impudicia)
Even if I suffered from such modesty as yours, I would not need this advice.
Aunque mi modestia es similar a la suya, creo que no necesito ese consejo.
I think Mrs André-Léonard failed to stress it sufficiently, perhaps out of modesty.
André-Léonard no lo ha hecho suficientemente, quizá por modestia.
(DE) Mr President, in all modesty, I would like to ask you a question.
(DE) Señor Presidente, con toda modestia, quisiera hacerle una pregunta.
I am more one of those who, no doubt out of modesty, like a good Spaniard, do not externalise their feelings.
Quiero decir que me siento más de esos que, seguramente por pudor, como buen español, no exteriorizan sus sentimientos.
to outrage sb's modesty
ofender el pudor de algn

Synonyms (English) for "immodesty":
Context examples for "immodesty" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
And who abstain from sexual immodesty (or guard their modesty or chastity or sexual purity).
[no cediendo a sus deseos] salvo con sus cónyuges --o sea, los que son legítimamente suyos [por matrimonio] --: pues, en tal caso, están ciertamente libres de reproche,