
"hunting ground" in Spanish

"hunting ground" in English

Context examples for "hunting ground" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The wireless Internet will be the obvious hunting ground of the troublemaker.
Internet sin cables se convertirá evidentemente en el coto de caza de los alborotadores.
street markets are a good hunting ground for antiques
los mercados callejeros son un buen lugar para buscar antigüedades
Poverty and a lack of education help to create a favourable hunting ground, which can be exploited by fundamentalists.
La pobreza y la falta de educación contribuyen a crear un terreno favorable explotado por todos los integristas.
Apart from the abuses via the regular financial sector, it is mainly charities that are the favourite hunting ground for international terrorists.
Aparte de los abusos cometidos a través del sector financiero regular, con frecuencia las organizaciones benéficas son el coto de caza favorito de los terroristas internacionales.