
"cinegético" in English

"cinegético" in English
cinegético{adjective masculine}
cinegético{adjective masculine}
hunting{adj.} (before noun)
No se matan para conseguir abrigo o alimento, ni siquiera para fines cinegéticos.
They are not being killed for clothing or food, and not even for the purposes of hunting.
Eso significa que aunque la fraternidad cinegética constituye solo una pequeña minoría, disfruta de una posición fuerte porque sabe que todos los partidos políticos protegerán sus intereses.
This means that although the hunting fraternity is only a small minority, it is in a strong position because it knows all the political parties will protect its interests.
Tal burocracia es innecesaria y está ocasionando graves perjuicios al fomento de las vacaciones cinegéticas en el Reino Unido, incluida mi circunscripción electoral, Irlanda del Norte.
There is no need for such bureaucracy, which is severely damaging the promotion of hunting holidays in the United Kingdom, including in my constituency of Northern Ireland.

Context examples for "cinegético" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Desarrollo sostenible y caza sostenible no son meros términos que están de moda, sino que de hecho simbolizan un cambio de las prácticas industriales y de producción y en el mundo cinegético.
Sustainable development and sustainable hunting are not just terms of the moment; they are indeed the symbol of a change in industrial and production practices and in the world of hunting.