
"humanamente" in English

"humanamente" in English
Debemos ofrecer al pueblo taiwanés toda la ayuda que sea humanamente posible.
We now have to provide the Taiwanese with all the help that is humanly possible.
Ya se han hecho tan multifuncionales como es humanamente posible.
They have already become as multifunctional as humanly possible.
Esto no se puede justificar ni pastoralmente ni humanamente.
This cannot be justified either pastorally or humanly.
¿No existe una paradoja en matar animales para matar «humanamente» a otros?
Is that not a paradox, to kill animals in order to ‘humanely’ kill other animals?
A pesar de la incertidumbre que reina acerca de su estatuto de prisioneros, no hay prueba alguna de que no se les haya tratado humanamente.
Despite the uncertainty about their formal status there has been no proof that the prisoners are not being treated humanely.
África necesita nuestra ayuda y se la prestaremos generosamente, pero África debe corresponder tratando a sus ciudadanos humanamente.
Africa needs our help and we will give it generously, but Africa must reciprocate by treating its citizens humanely.

Context examples for "humanamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Debemos ofrecer al pueblo taiwanés toda la ayuda que sea humanamente posible.
We now have to provide the Taiwanese with all the help that is humanly possible.
¿No existe una paradoja en matar animales para matar «humanamente» a otros?
Is that not a paradox, to kill animals in order to ‘humanely’ kill other animals?
¿Qué otra situación es humanamente más difícil que la clandestinidad?
Is there anything more difficult in human terms than illegal immigration?
exigiendo garantías absolutas, que humanamente son imposibles, de una
confessors with regard to habitual penitents, the confessor is to avoid
excesivo movimiento, sino sujetos activos de un período humanamente
elements in a world in excessive motion, but active subjects of a period
Ya se han hecho tan multifuncionales como es humanamente posible.
They have already become as multifunctional as humanly possible.
¿Nos hallamos ahora, en el ámbito de la investigación biotecnológica, en el límite de lo humanamente posible?
Have we now reached the limits of what is humanly possible in biotechnological research?
Esto no se puede justificar ni pastoralmente ni humanamente.
This cannot be justified either pastorally or humanly.
Un mes es el período máximo de espera humanamente aceptable.
One month is the absolute maximum in humane terms.
Me parece que humanamente es más importante que todos los movimientos antipieles.
I feel that, from a human point of view, this is much more important than any amount of movements in opposition to the fur trade.
Tenemos que encontrar caminos para ayudar humanamente.
We must find ways of providing humanitarian assistance.
Cualquier persona sensata debería desear que esta crisis acabara de manera pacífica, si es humanamente posible lograrlo.
Any sensible person should want this crisis to be ended peacefully, if it is humanly possible to do so.
hicimos todo lo humanamente posible por salvarlo
we did all that was humanly possible to save him
Tenemos el deber de aliviar humanamente la desdicha de poblaciones que son rehenes de la acción terrorista de Hezbolá.
We have a duty as human beings to relieve the misfortune of populations taken hostage by Hezbollah’s terrorist action.
Tenemos el deber de aliviar humanamente la desdicha de poblaciones que son rehenes de la acción terrorista de Hezbolá.
We have a duty as human beings to relieve the misfortune of populations taken hostage by Hezbollah’ s terrorist action.
lindaba con lo humanamente insoportable
it was as much as any man could bear
África necesita nuestra ayuda y se la prestaremos generosamente, pero África debe corresponder tratando a sus ciudadanos humanamente.
Africa needs our help and we will give it generously, but Africa must reciprocate by treating its citizens humanely.
Ahora es sumamente urgente hacer lo humanamente posible en cuando a ayuda medioambiental y ayuda al desarrollo rural.
It is now a matter of extreme urgency to do as much as is humanly possible in terms of environmental aid and aid for rural development.
Esas fronteras dividen a veces pueblos, incluso familias, y hacer de ellas fronteras Schengen es humanamente inaceptable.
These borders sometimes divide peoples, and even families, and turning them into the Schengen borders is unacceptable in human terms.
haré lo que humanamente pueda
I'll do everything within my power