
"grasses" in Spanish

grass(also: hash)
mandanga{f} [slg.] (droga)
traba{f} (marihuana)
• Artificial grass.
Césped artificial.
Please keep off the grass
prohibido pisar el césped
drop Joe a hint that the grass needs cutting
insinúale a Joe que habría que cortar el césped
Cows did not go mad because they ate grass, or even smoked it.
La vaca no se ha vuelto loca porque ha comido hierba o porque hubiera fumado hierba.
Cows should eat grass and this is the best way of preventing what is occurring now.
Las vacas deben comer hierba y ésta es la mejor forma de evitar que ocurra lo que está ocurriendo.
Selective aid, such as market support and a grass subsidy, are essential.
Son indispensables las ayudas puntuales, tales como el apoyo del mercado o la prima a la utilización de hierba.
grass(also: pasture)
Rather than consuming imported proteins, these suckler cows eat grass and use pasture land.
En lugar de consumir proteínas importadas, estas vacas lecheras consumen hierba y utilizan pastos.
the grass is getting very long
el pasto está creciendo mucho
grass cuttings
recortes de pasto
grass(also: maté)
cosa{f} [Col.] [slg.] (marihuana)
talaje{m} [Chile] (pasto)
grass(also: smoke, tea)
maría{f} [slg.]
monte{m} [Ven.] [slg.]
mota{f} [Mex.] [slg.]
zacate{m} [Mex.]
grass(also: straw, chaff)
grama{f} [CAm.]
grass cuttings
recortes de grama
to cut the grass
cortar la grama
juana{f} [Mex.] [coll.]
machiche{m} [Ven.] [coll.]
malanga{f} [Ven.] [coll.]
bocón{m} [SAm.] [coll.] (chivato)
chivato{m} (informador)
datero{m} [Chile] [coll.] (de la policía)
oreja{m} [Mex.] [coll.] (de la policía)
sapo{m} [SAm.] [coll.] (delator)
madrina{f} [Mex.] [slg.]

Synonyms (English) for "grass":
Context examples for "grasses" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We should particularly encourage farmers to venture into the new world of production of farm food and energy grasses.
Sobre todo, debemos animar a los agricultores a aventurarse en el nuevo mundo de la producción de alimentos agrícolas y cultivos energéticos.
After a half-century of referring to an ancient pre-human as "Nutcracker Man" because of his large teeth and powerful jaw, scientists now conclude that he actually chewed grasses instead.
Expertos dijeron que la base de datos de Oriente Medio para las Antigedades constituye el primer sistema de este tipo en el pas.
After a half-century of referring to an ancient pre-human as "Nutcracker Man" because of his large teeth and powerful jaw, scientists now conclude that he actually chewed grasses instead.
Notamment, leurs expertises complmentaires dans les mthodes de datation ont rvl que les outils dcouverts sur ce site ont t fabriqus il y a au moins un million d'annes.