
"gran ola" in English

"gran ola" in English
gran ola{feminine}
gran ola{feminine}
breaker{noun} (wave)

Similar translations for "gran ola" in English
Context examples for "gran ola" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La gran ola causada por el ciclón se tragó 35 kilómetros de tierra, inundando campos y dejando muchos de ellos con un elevado índice de salinidad.
The tidal wave swept inland for 22 miles, flooding fields and leaving many of them heavily salinated.
La antigua República Checoslovaca experimentó una gran ola de emigración en su periodo de entreguerras, principalmente hacia los Estados Unidos.
The former Czechoslovak Republic experienced a great wave of emigration in the inter-war period, chiefly to the United States.
Kofi Annan nos ha advertido de que se producirá una segunda gran ola de muertes a medida que las enfermedades empiecen a extenderse entre los supervivientes.
It is of utmost significance that the European Parliament expresses its opinion on the Kashmir earthquake of 8 October.
Kofi Annan nos ha advertido de que se producirá una segunda gran ola de muertes a medida que las enfermedades empiecen a extenderse entre los supervivientes.
Kofi Annan has warned us that a second massive wave of death will hit hard as disease begins to spread amongst the survivors.
Al estar aquí hoy, nos recuerda, incluso ahora que hemos dado un paso adelante hacia una nueva gran ola de integración europea, que nuestra responsabilidad política será aún mayor.
By being here today, you recall to us, even as we take our step forward towards a great and new wave of European integration, that we carry wider global political responsibility.