
"fríes" in English

"fríes" in English
to fry[fried · fried] {v.t.} [gastro.]
Freír las bolitas de queso en abundante aceite de cacahuete a unos 170 °C, colarlas, retirar el exceso de aceite con papel absorbente y sazonar a gusto.
Fry the pieces of cheese in plenty groundnut oil at about 170°C, drain, dry with absorbent paper and add salt to taste.
bistec delgado para freír vuelta y vuelta
flash-fry steak
¿Sabe la Comisión si el Comisario encargado de la pesca el Sr. Fischler sabe qué es el "pescaíto frito"?
Does the Commission know whether Fisheries Commissioner Franz Fischler knows what 'pescaíto frito' (fried fish typical of Andalucia) is?
to blow … away {vb} [slg.]

Context examples for "fríes" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sandberg-Fries, y aprovecho la ocasión para darle la bienvenida de nuevo en el Parlamento Europeo.
I give the floor to Mrs Sandberg-Fries, whom I would take the opportunity to welcome back to the European Parliament.
I wish to say that I go along with Mr Bowis' arguments and that I am unable to accept those put forward by Mrs Sandberg-Fries.
¿lo fríes o lo haces al horno?
do you fry it or bake it?
Por lo tanto, señora Sandberg-Fries, sepa usted que en la sesión de esta noche, a partir de las 21.00 horas, tendrá lugar el debate del informe del Sr.
So, Mrs Sandberg-Fries, you now know that the debate on Mr Metten's report will take place during the night sitting, after 9 p.m.
Por lo tanto, señora Sandberg-Fries, sepa usted que en la sesión de esta noche, a partir de las 21.00 horas, tendrá lugar el debate del informe del Sr.
So, Mrs Sandberg-Fries, you now know that the debate on Mr Metten's report will take place during the night sitting, after 9 p. m.