
"free ports" in Spanish

However, ever since the free port of Arica was built in the 1960s, there has been steady emigration toward urban centers in search of work.
No obstante, desde que el puerto libre de Arica se construyera en los años 60, ha habido un crecimiento sostenido de la emigración hacia los centros urbanos en búsqueda de trabajo.
Analysis of our report shows clearly that Ceuta is a city in decline, lacking land, water and energy and that the free port is also in decline, as we shall see.
Del análisis de nuestro informe se deduce claramente que Ceuta es una ciudad decadente, que carece de suelo, agua y energía y que tiene un puerto franco que, como luego veremos, está en declive.

Synonyms (English) for "free port":
Context examples for "free ports" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The opportunities for tax-free shopping at ports and airports will also be restricted.
También se limitarán las oportunidades de realizar compras libres de impuestos en puertos y aeropuertos.
It would threaten the independent, commercially based and subsidy free nature of British ports.
Amenazaría la naturaleza independiente, de base comercial y libre de subsidios, de los puertos británicos.