
"formular (pregunta)" in English

"formular (pregunta)" in English
{transitive verb}

Context examples for "formular (pregunta)" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Solo quisiera formular una pregunta complementaria en aras de una mayor precisión.
For the sake of precision, I would just like to put a supplementary question.
Le digo exactamente si desea usted formular alguna pregunta al Sr. Comisario.
I am specifically asking whether you wish to ask the Commissioner a question.
Por lo tanto, le ruego que haga una excepción y me permita formular mi pregunta.
I therefore ask you to make an exception and allow me to ask my question.
Sin embargo, me gustaría formular una pregunta que también va dirigida al Consejo.
However, I would like to ask a question here. This is also for the Council.
Dicho lo cual, quiero formular una pregunta específica sobre Chipre y Turquía.
Having said that, I have a specific question relating to Cyprus and Turkey.
Señor Presidente, gracias por su cortesía al permitirme formular una pregunta.
Mr President, thank you for your courtesy in allowing me to ask a question.
Señor Presidente, sólo quiero formular una pregunta muy breve a la Sra.
Mr President, I only wanted to ask the Commissioner a very brief question.
Querría formular una pregunta a la Comisaria y espero que todavía pueda incluirla.
I had another question for the Commissioner, which I hope she will answer.
Esto me lleva a formular una pregunta crucial al Consejo, a usted, Alta Representante.
That brings me to a crucial question for the Council, for you, High Representative.
Hay que formular la pregunta a todas las ramas de la Autoridad Presupuestaria.
This question needs to be put to all the bodies with budgetary authority.
En otras palabras, llegado el momento habrá que formular esta pregunta a la Comisión.
This question will therefore have to be put to the Committee at the appropriate time.
De todos modos, me imagino que usted querrá formular una pregunta al Comisario.
I expect you will, however, wish to put a question to the Commissioner.
Alternativamente, ¿puedo formular una pregunta complementaria a la del señor Newton Dunn?
Alternatively, can I ask a supplementary question to Mr Newton Dunn’s question?
Y, señora Parvanova, ¿puede usted, lo más brevemente posible, formular su pregunta?
Mrs Parvanova, can you please pose your question as briefly as possible?
Señor Presidente, soy de los primeros que han solicitado formular una pregunta al Sr.
Mr President, I was one of the first who asked to submit a question to Mr Prodi.
En este contexto, me gustaría formular una pregunta a la Comisión y al Consejo.
In this context, I would like to address a question to both the Commission and the Council.
Quiero formular una pregunta complementaria al estimado representante del Consejo.
I have a follow-up question for the honourable Council representative.
De ser así, quisiera formular una pregunta al respecto con el permiso del Presidente.
If so, with the President's permission, I should like to ask a question on that subject.
Formular esta pregunta y atreverse a intentarlo es responsabilidad de la Unión Europea.
It is the European Union's responsibility to ask this question and have a crack at it.
En nombre del Grupo Demócrata Liberal, quisiera formular una pregunta a la Comisión Europea.
On behalf of the Liberal Democrat Group, I would like to the European Commission.