
"flagellation" in Spanish

"flagellation" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "flagellation":
Context examples for "flagellation" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
At the same time, we are engaging in a sort of self-flagellation, wallowing in the predicted decline of the House of Europe.
Al mismo tiempo, practicamos una especie de autoflagelación, revolcándonos en el declive anunciado de la Casa Europa.
We have a passion for self-flagellation and regularly recite the litany of our failures as a European Union.
Somos unos especialistas y tenemos auténtica pasión por la autoflagelación. Sistemáticamente rezamos la letanía de los fracasos que hemos cosechado como Unión Europea.
Because they are sick to death of the self-flagellation that this Parliament indulges in, alternating with lessons in morality and a haughtiness that is just as hard to bear.
Porque ya están cansados de la autoflagelación de este Parlamento, que alterna las lecciones de moral con una altanería difícil de soportar.