
"fireworks factory" in Spanish

"fireworks factory" in English

Context examples for "fireworks factory" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Residents of this estate were unaware of the presence of the fireworks factory.
Los habitantes de este barrio desconocían la presencia de esta pirotecnia.
A fireworks factory that did not fall within the scope of the directive destroyed an entire housing estate.
Una pirotecnia que no se recogía en la directiva destruyó todo un barrio.
A fireworks factory which did not fall within the scope of the directive destroyed an entire housing estate.
Una fábrica de fuegos artificiales que no entraba en el ámbito de la Directiva destrozó todo un barrio.
In my own country, the Netherlands, we have exercised extreme caution ever since a terrible disaster in a fireworks factory in Enschede.
En el mío, los Países Bajos, observamos la máxima precaución desde que se produjo una terrible catástrofe en una fábrica de fuegos artificiales en Enschede.