
"fantasmal" in English

"fantasmal" in English
fantasmal{adjective masculine/feminine}
fantasmal{adjective masculine/feminine}
la figura fantasmal se desvaneció en la oscuridad
the ghostly figure melted away into the darkness
phantom{adj.} [poet.] (ghostly)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "fantasmal":
Context examples for "fantasmal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
la figura fantasmal se desvaneció en la oscuridad
the ghostly figure melted away into the darkness
Se trata de un debate fantasmal.
If you produce a car, you have to be a big producer.
Por ello es un debate fantasmal.
So what we have here is a ghost debate.
Señor Presidente, ninguna de las instituciones organizadas de la fantasmal comunidad internacional ha reaccionado de forma apropiada a la crisis en los Grandes Lagos.
Mr President, not one organized body of the so-called international community has responded adequately to the crisis in the Great Lakes region.
Si se vive esto aquí como un debate fantasmal, no se debe tanto a la hora o a los pocos colegas presentes sino a lo que vemos de nuevo en Europa.
The reason this feels like a rather eerie debate has less to do with the time of night and even less with the sparsity of Members now present, but more with what is in fact going on.
Creo que estamos manteniendo un debate fantasmal, no solamente por la escasísima presencia de diputados sino ante todo porque el artículo K9 ha quedado obsoleto ya hace mucho tiempo.
I feel that we are conducting a ghost debate, not just because of the echoing emptiness of Parliament but mainly because Article K9 has long since become obsolete.
Querer hacer recaer la responsabilidad fundamental de nuestro deber en materia de empleo y creación de riqueza en la moneda, refleja una visión anticuada y, me atrevería a decir, fantasmal.
Trying to put the principal blame for our tribulations with employment and wealth creation on currency suggests an outmoded and, if I may say so, fantastic view of things.