
"extradité" in English

"extradité" in English
Pido a Tailandia que no extradite a aquellas personas que buscan refugio en su territorio.
I call on Thailand not to extradite those who are seeking refuge on its territory.
Cuarto: no extraditar a ningún detenido a los Estados Unidos de América.
Four: no detainees should be extradited to the United States of America.
La negativa a extraditar a un terrorista -que Brasil no ha reconocido como tal- ha de tenerse en consideración.
The failure to extradite a terrorist - who is not recognised as such by Brazil - has to be taken into consideration.

Context examples for "extradité" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pido a Tailandia que no extradite a aquellas personas que buscan refugio en su territorio.
I call on Thailand not to extradite those who are seeking refuge on its territory.
La UE participa en acuerdos que permiten que se extradite a ciudadanos normales a otros países, basándose exclusivamente en la sospecha.
The EU enters into agreements whereby ordinary citizens may be extradited to countries other than their own, solely on suspicion.
Señora Presidenta, si Siria quiere realmente tener buenas relaciones con Europa y quiere demostrar su buena voluntad con respecto al proceso de paz, que extradite a ese hombre.
If Syria is serious about wanting good relations with Europe and showing good will towards the peace process, then it should hand this man over.
Por lo que a mí respecta, el acuerdo bilateral de readmisión solo permite que España extradite marroquíes a Marruecos, no ciudadanos de Ghana, Liberia o Mali, como es el caso aquí.
As far as I know, the bilateral readmission agreement only allows Spain to extradite Moroccans to Morocco, not people from Ghana, Liberia or Mali, as is the case here.
Sin duda, en tales casos, el Estado que solicita que una persona sea extraditada y el Estado al que se solicita que extradite a una persona deben evacuar consultas con el fin de resolver el problema.
In such cases, of course, the state requesting that a person be extradited and the state being asked to extradite a person must consult in order to resolve the matter.