
"explicarle a" in English

"explicarle a" in English
to illuminate{v.t.} (about a subject)

Similar translations for "explicarle a" in English
Context examples for "explicarle a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, me gustaría explicarle a la Cámara el motivo por el que me he abstenido en esta resolución concreta.
Mr President, I would like to explain to the House why I abstained on this particular resolution.
explicarle algo a algn
to talk sb through sth
explicarle algo a algn
to explain sth to sb
Por tanto, quiero decir con toda claridad que nosotros, por supuesto, debemos explicarle a estos países que todavía tienen que hacer un esfuerzo.
Therefore, I would like to say quite clearly that we should, of course, explain to these countries that they still need to make an effort.
Tengo toda la buena disposición y también la posibilidad, debido a nuestras relaciones amistosas, a explicarle detalladamente después de la reunión lo que he dicho y dado a entender.
I would be very glad and willing, especially in view of our friendly relationship, to explain to you in detail what I said and what I meant after the end of the sitting.
Quisiera explicarle a los partidos que si ahora nos centramos en otros asuntos, como la crisis financiera, el objetivo de la adhesión de Macedonia pasará a un segundo plano.
I would like to explain to the parties that if we concentrate now on other topics, such as the financial crisis, the goal of Macedonia's accession will be pushed further into the background.