
"evicted" in Spanish

"evicted" in Spanish
to evict{transitive verb}
Under pressure from rocketing rents, they fall into debt and are often evicted.
Presionados por la subida vertiginosa de los alquileres, se endeudan y suelen ser desahuciados de sus viviendas.
The mayor of Mlynky has evicted five Slovak associations from the two rooms in which they carried out their activities.
El alcalde de Mlynky ha desahuciado a cinco asociaciones eslovacas de las dos dependencias en las que desarrollaban sus actividades.
I also think of families evicted from their homes, those
familias desahuciadas o de las que no logran encontrar una vivienda, del ingente
to evict[evicted · evicted] {transitive verb}
We have had situations where, because of the lack of rights for homosexual couples, people have been evicted from local authority housing on the death of the other partner who was the named tenant.
Hemos visto casos de personas que, ante la falta de derechos de las parejas homosexuales, han sido desalojadas de viviendas municipales tras la muerte de su pareja que figuraba como inquilino.

Context examples for "evicted" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died and millions have been evicted from their homes.
Cientos de miles de personas han muerto y millones han sido expulsadas de sus casas.
The Christians are intimidated, evicted or killed with a clear purpose: religious cleansing.
Los cristianos son intimidados, expulsados o asesinados con un objetivo claro: la limpieza religiosa.
People are being evicted who were already evicted in 2005 in Operation Murambatsvina, which incidentally means 'clean out the trash'.
La gente que está siendo expulsada ya fue expulsada en 2005 durante la Operación Murambatsvina que, dicho sea de paso, significa "tirar la basura".
Mugabe's cohorts there gorge themselves, live a life of luxury and are rolling in money, and at the same time others live in the streets or in hovels, from which they are now still being evicted.
Los secuaces de Mugabe se atiborran, viven una vida de lujo y nadan en dinero y, mientras tanto, otros viven en las calles o en tugurios, de los que ahora están siendo expulsados.