
"to enrage" in Spanish

Very many Members continually receive communications from constituents who are appalled and enraged at how animals are treated during transportation.
Numerosos diputados reciben constantemente quejas por parte de ciudadanos conmocionados y enfurecidos por el trato que se depara a los animales durante su transporte.
We have heard about attacks on Kurdish institutions and DTP offices, and about enraged nationalists attempting to lynch their Kurdish fellow citizens.
Hemos sabido de atentados contra instituciones kurdas y oficinas del DTP, y de nacionalistas enfurecidos tratando de linchar a sus conciudadanos kurdos.
to enrage[enraged · enraged] {transitive verb}
"Yet you have rejected and spurned and been enraged at your anointed."
"Tú, encolerizado con tu Ungido, lo has rechazado y desechado"