
"encarcelando" in English

"encarcelando" in English
encarcelando{adjective masculine}
encarcelar{transitive verb}
encarcelando{adjective masculine}
Por otra parte, el régimen ha decidido encarcelar a los oponentes.
Moreover, the regime has chosen to imprison opponents.
Creo que el texto inicial dice: "no encarcelar, salvo excepciones, a los niños que delinquen" .
The original version probably said "not to imprison young people who commit offences, except in special cases" .
Creo que el texto inicial dice: " no encarcelar, salvo excepciones, a los niños que delinquen ".
The original version probably said " not to imprison young people who commit offences, except in special cases ".
En 2006 trabajó en secreto con el gobierno para engañar y encarcelar a nuestro presidente.
In 2006 it colluded with the government to trap our chairman into a jail.
Implica no encarcelar a los empresarios.
It also involves not jailing entrepreneurs.
Por primera vez, estoy con este hombre que vine a defender a Túnez cuando estaba encarcelado.
For the first time, I was meeting the man that I defended in Tunis when he was in jail.
Si se me permite, encarcelar a todo el mundo es una manera incorrecta de abordar la corrupción, tal vez la peor.
If I may say, putting everyone in prison is a bad way to tackle corruption, to say the least.
Señor Presidente, quiero plantear el caso de John Zafiropoulos, que está encarcelado en Grecia.
Mr President, I want to raise the case of Mr John Zafiropoulos, who is in prison in Greece.
Los líderes del movimiento del 26 de octubre fueron detenidos y siguen encarcelados.
The organisers of the earlier demonstration were arrested and are still in prison.
Lo ha encarcelado en la más profunda oscuridad y ni siquiera a la Cruz Roja se le permite llegar hasta él.
He has been incarcerated in deepest darkness and not even the Red Cross is allowed access to him.
Mi padre fue encarcelado por el régimen comunista.
My father was incarcerated by the communist regime.
Estas personas fueron encarceladas única y exclusivamente por sus creencias y deberían ser puestas en libertad de inmediato.
These people were incarcerated solely as a result of their beliefs and should be released immediately.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "encarcelar":
Context examples for "encarcelando" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se están cerrando periódicos y partidos políticos y se está encarcelando a personas.
Newspapers and political parties are being closed down and people imprisoned.
Se están cerrando periódicos y partidos políticos y se está encarcelando a personas.
It is obvious that the situation in Belarus is deteriorating.
Por supuesto, es totalmente inaceptable que en Cuba se siga encarcelando a las personas por sus ideas.
It is, of course, completely unacceptable that people should still be kept imprisoned in Cuba because of their views.
Las autoridades de Birmania/Myanmar continúan encarcelando y persiguiendo a activistas que trabajan por la democracia.
The authorities in Burma/Myanmar are continuing to imprison and persecute activists working for democracy.
Irán sigue limitando la libertad de expresión y encarcelando a presos políticos, como el periodista investigador Akbar Ganji.
Iran continues to restrict freedom of expression and to imprison political prisoners, such as the investigative journalist, Akbar Ganji.
Muchos de estos países siguen encarcelando a las personas llamadas «ciberdisidentes» y nosotros pedimos su inmediata liberación.
Many of these countries continue to imprison persons who are referred to as ‘cyber dissidents’ and we call for their immediate release.
Muchos de estos países siguen encarcelando a las personas llamadas« ciberdisidentes» y nosotros pedimos su inmediata liberación.
Many of these countries continue to imprison persons who are referred to as ‘ cyber dissidents’ and we call for their immediate release.
Con el objeto de luchar contra la corrupción, según manifiesta el Gobierno, se está encarcelando a periodistas, abogados, políticos y estudiantes activistas.
In order to tackle corruption, according to the government, journalists, lawyers, political actors and student activists are being imprisoned.
Prohibiendo partidos de la oposición o impidiendo su funcionamiento y encarcelando a los adversarios que tienen seguidores o que se teme que los van teniendo.
Opposition parties are banned or it is made impossible for them to function. Opponents who have or threaten to acquire support are put behind bars.
Yo creo que una cosa que podemos añadir es la idea de que no vamos a terminar con el terrorismo simplemente matando o encarcelando a los que cometen esos atentados.
It seems to me that one thing we can add is the notion that we are not going to destroy terrorism by simply killing or imprisoning those who carry out these acts.
Hoy hablamos de la europeización, enviamos tropas y funcionarios, gastamos grandes cantidades de dinero y, al mismo tiempo, estamos encarcelando a los jóvenes de esos países.
Today we talk of Europeanisation, we send in troops and officials, we spend a great deal of money and, at the same time, we are imprisoning young people in these countries.