
"embriagado" in English

"embriagado" in English
inebriated{adj.} [form.]
que no nublará sus mentes ni les embriagará;
They shall not suffer with headache thereby, nor shall they get intoxicated (or exhausted),

Context examples for "embriagado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
embriagado de placer
intoxicated with pleasure
embriagado de felicidad
drunk with happiness
Pero son estos dos últimos y también Finlandia, Francia y Suecia los que presentan los porcentajes más elevados de jóvenes de 13 años o menos que ya se han embriagado.
It is these last two, however, together with Finland, France and Sweden, that have the highest percentages of young people who have been drunk at, or under, the age of 13.
Recientes estudios demuestran que el Reino Unido, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Francia y Suecia presentan los índices más altos de chicos y chicas que se han embriagado a la edad de 13 años o menos.
Recent surveys show that the UK, Denmark, Finland, France and Sweden report the highest proportions of boys and girls who have been drunk at or younger than 13.