
"emborracharse" in English

"emborracharse" in English
emborracharse{reflexive verb}
todos los sábados salía a emborracharse
he'd go out and get drunk every Saturday
Niños y jóvenes consumen alcohol con más frecuencia y no sólo comienzan a beber, sino a emborracharse, a una edad cada vez más temprana.
Children and young people are drinking alcohol more frequently and starting not only to drink but to get drunk at an ever younger age.
Sin embargo, el hecho de que nuestros mercados se hayan liberalizado no puede significar que las empresas alienten a los niños o a los jóvenes a emborracharse.
Yet the fact that our markets have been liberalised cannot be taken to mean that companies are free to encourage children or young people to get drunk.

Context examples for "emborracharse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nadie se comprará una botella de Pétrusse o Amarone para emborracharse.
There are certainly cheaper ways to do that, and this is something we all have to appreciate.
decidió emborracharse para ahogar sus penas
she decided to drown her sorrows in drink
todos los sábados salía a emborracharse
he'd go out and get drunk every Saturday
Niños y jóvenes consumen alcohol con más frecuencia y no sólo comienzan a beber, sino a emborracharse, a una edad cada vez más temprana.
Children and young people are drinking alcohol more frequently and starting not only to drink but to get drunk at an ever younger age.
Es necesaria más investigación sobre la naturaleza, la magnitud y las causas del aumento de esta tendencia a emborracharse entre niños y adolescentes.
More research is needed into the nature, scale and causes of this growing trend in binge drinking by children and adolescents.
Sin embargo, el hecho de que nuestros mercados se hayan liberalizado no puede significar que las empresas alienten a los niños o a los jóvenes a emborracharse.
Yet the fact that our markets have been liberalised cannot be taken to mean that companies are free to encourage children or young people to get drunk.
Sin embargo, el hecho de que nuestros mercados se hayan liberalizado no puede significar que las empresas alienten a los niños o a los jóvenes a emborracharse.
Those parents who gave alcohol to their underage children, either for the sake of a bit of peace and quiet or because they were oblivious of the consequences, came in for much criticism.
Funke estaba presente cuando el anterior Canciller alemán, Helmut Kohl, en el día de la vinicultura alemana enunciase un lema para la futura política vinícola:¡hay que emborracharse más!
Mr Funke was certainly present when the former Federal Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, announced his watchword for the future wine-growing policy on German National Wine Day: we must drink more.