
"elitista" in English

"elitista" in English
elitista{adjective masculine/feminine}
No debería verse como un consejo elitista, un pequeño grupo que sermonea a los demás.
It should not be seen as an elitist council, a small group preaching to the others.
Tengo la impresión de que su enfoque es bastante tecnócrata y elitista.
I have the impression that your approach is quite technocratic and elitist.
No debe tratarse de un debate elitista, Europa interesa a todo el mundo.
It must not be an elitist debate; Europe concerns everyone.
elitista{adjective masculine/feminine}
No debería verse como un consejo elitista, un pequeño grupo que sermonea a los demás.
It should not be seen as an elitist council, a small group preaching to the others.
Tengo la impresión de que su enfoque es bastante tecnócrata y elitista.
I have the impression that your approach is quite technocratic and elitist.
No debe tratarse de un debate elitista, Europa interesa a todo el mundo.
It must not be an elitist debate; Europe concerns everyone.

Context examples for "elitista" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Desafortunadamente, este Parlamento no representa a los ciudadanos, sino simplemente al consenso elitista de la Europa oficial.
Unfortunately, this Parliament represents not citizens, but simply the elite consensus of the official Europe.
no tiene ningún reparo en admitir que es un elitista
he is unashamedly an elitist
La concentración de los medios significa que aumentar los intereses empresariales de una minoritaria elitista se puede disfrazar de editorial independiente.
Concentration of media ownership means that enhancing the business interests of an elite minority can be disguised as independent editorial.
En lo que respecta a Turquía misma, tenemos que preguntarnos lo siguiente: ¿Es el laicismo realmente compatible con la democracia si se trata de una mera minoría, un proyecto elitista?
As far as Turkey itself is concerned, we must ask ourselves the following questions. Is secularism really compatible with democracy if it is just a minority, an elite project?