
"egoistic" in Spanish

"egoistic" in Spanish
egoísta{adj. m/f}
We are coming from the cold of Yalta, but the climate in Europe is becoming chilly and egoistic.
Venimos del frío de Yalta, pero el clima en Europa se está volviendo gélido y egoísta.
Everything else is really just peripheral and unconnected with the real situation in Russia, and reflects the egoistic interests of the Western multinationals.
Todo lo demás, en realidad, no es más que palabrería desconectada de la realidad rusa, y refleja los intereses egoístas de las multinacionales occidentales.
It is now for you, Europe's Heads of State or Government, to decide whether you want to take Europe forward or stand in its way for your own egoistic and nationalistic reasons.
Ahora les corresponde a ustedes, Jefes de Estado o de Gobierno de Europa, decidir si prefieren impulsar a Europa hacia delante o cruzarse en su camino por razones egoístas y nacionalistas.

Synonyms (English) for "egoistic":
Context examples for "egoistic" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are coming from the cold of Yalta, but the climate in Europe is becoming chilly and egoistic.
Por un lado,¿es el uno por ciento de la Renta Nacional Bruta, es el reembolso o son los pagos directos?
In the scheme of things we are all dependent on one another and the WTO is an instrument for harmonising egoistic national approaches.
Nuestro orden mundial es interdependiente y la OMC es un instrumento de armonización de los egoísmos nacionales.