
"dry mouth" in Spanish

"dry mouth" in English

Synonyms (English) for "dry mouth":
Similar translations for "dry mouth" in Spanish
Context examples for "dry mouth" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Dry mouth and sexual dysfunction were more common in patients treated with an antidepressant.
Se necesitan investigaciones adicionales para determinar la eficacia y la aceptabilidad comparativas de los antidepresivos particulares en esta población.
my mouth was dry with fear
tenía la boca seca de miedo
Clonidine had more adverse effects (low blood pressure, dizziness, dry mouth, lack of energy) than reducing doses of methadone.
La clonidina presentó más efectos adversos (presión arterial baja, mareo, sequedad bucal, falta de energía) que la reducción de dosis de metadona.
These are mostly minor and are commonly feeling sick, being too awake or too sleepy, developing a headache, having a dry mouth or becoming constipated or dizzy.
En su mayoría estos efectos secundarios son leves, frecuentemente náuseas, insomnio o somnolencia, cefalea, sequedad bucal, estreñimiento o mareos.
Treatment with tramadol may cause side effects, including constipation, nausea, sedation and a dry mouth, all of which resolve after stopping treatment.
El tratamiento con tramadol puede causar efectos secundarios, incluidos estreñimiento, náuseas, sedación y sensación de sequedad en la boca, que se resuelven con la interrupción del tratamiento.