
"distrito electoral" in English

"distrito electoral" in English
constituency{noun} (area)
Esto ha hecho quebrar completamente a muchos agricultores de mi distrito electoral.
That has driven many dairy farmers in my constituency out of business altogether.
Esto queda patente en la experiencia vivida recientemente en mi propio distrito electoral.
This is illustrated by recent experience in my own constituency.
Tras 1999, la adscripción al Objetivo 1 debería concederse al distrito electoral de Connacht/Ulster.
Post-1999, Objective 1 status should be granted to the constituency of Connacht/Ulster.
Las personas afectadas viven en mi distrito electoral y me he reunido con ellas.
The people affected live in my electoral district, and I have met them.
Viajo mucho en coche, porque mi distrito electoral es grande, y también me veo obligada a conducir entre Bruselas y Estrasburgo.
I myself travel by car a very great deal, as my electoral district is a large one, and I am also obliged to be always driving to Brussels and Strasbourg.
Esta mañana me encontraba en mi distrito electoral y, al abrir el periódico, he leído que usted será galardonado el año que viene en Aachen con el premio internacional Carlomagno.
I was in my electoral district this morning, and when I opened the newspapers, I learned that you are to receive the international Charlemagne Prize in Aachen next year.
seat{noun} [Brit.] (constituency)
La papeleta para Kabul, por citar solo un ejemplo, sumaba siete páginas, e incluía a 617 candidatos para 62 escaños en el distrito electoral.
The ballot paper for Kabul, to cite but one example, took up seven pages, and included 617candidates standing for the 62seats in the constituency.

Similar translations for "distrito electoral" in English
Context examples for "distrito electoral" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esto es lo que sucedió hace unas semanas en mi distrito electoral, Westfalia del Sur.
This is what happened a few weeks ago in my electoral region, South Westphalia.
Las personas afectadas viven en mi distrito electoral y me he reunido con ellas.
The people affected live in my electoral district, and I have met them.
Un ciudadano de mi distrito electoral volvió recientemente de unas vacaciones en otro país de la UE.
A constituent of mine recently returned from a holiday in another EU country.
distrito electoral cuyo representante obtuvo el escaño por escasa mayoría
marginal constituency
distrito electoral
congressional district
Viajo mucho en coche, porque mi distrito electoral es grande, y también me veo obligada a conducir entre Bruselas y Estrasburgo.
I myself travel by car a very great deal, as my electoral district is a large one, and I am also obliged to be always driving to Brussels and Strasbourg.
Uno de los ciudadanos de mi distrito electoral viajó recientemente a Italia y, tras ver que la entrada a un monumento era gratuita para los jubilados, solicitó dicho acceso gratuito.
One of my constituents recently visited Italy. On seeing that entry to a monument was free for pensioners, he asked for that concession.
Esta mañana me encontraba en mi distrito electoral y, al abrir el periódico, he leído que usted será galardonado el año que viene en Aachen con el premio internacional Carlomagno.
I was in my electoral district this morning, and when I opened the newspapers, I learned that you are to receive the international Charlemagne Prize in Aachen next year.
Todos hemos oído hablar de personas que han tenido malas experiencias a este respecto; nueve de las diez víctimas del fatal accidente de Sölden en el Tirol provenían de mi distrito electoral.
We have all heard from people who have had adverse experiences in them, and nine of the ten victims of the fatal accident in Sölden in the Tyrol came from my electoral district.
Además, en el distrito electoral en que estuve como observador, se veían carteles del Dr.
For technical reasons, as has already been said, to do with problems over registration, but in the electoral district I was observing in, for example, there were posters of Dr Karadzic to be seen.
También estoy preparado para explicar a los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea y a los de mi distrito electoral que tenemos que hacer algo y que la ayuda a otros siempre tiene que pagarla alguien.
I am also prepared to explain to the citizens of the European Union, and to those of my electoral district, that we have to do something and that aid for others always has to be paid for by someone.