
"disentir" in English

"disentir" in English
Este Parlamento tiene derecho a disentir de estos acuerdos.
This House has the right of dissent from these agreements.
La libertad es siempre libertad para disentir.
Freedom is always the freedom to dissent.
Tal es la influencia del dinero de la UE que disentir de la sabiduría percibida se tacha casi de herejía.
Such is the grip of EU money that dissent from the perceived wisdom is treated almost as heresy.
Me tomo la libertad de disentir con el señor Cohn-Bendit.
I take the liberty of disagreeing with Mr Cohn-Bendit.
Perfecto, podría pensar usted, ya estaríamos almorzando; sin embargo, permítanme disentir.
So much the better, you might think, for we would already be at lunch, but allow me to disagree.
Voy a citar tres puntos en los que disentimos del Consejo.
I should like to raise three points on which we disagree with the Council.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "disentir":
Context examples for "disentir" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lamento disentir, pero la República Checa no es un país pequeño, ni siquiera en términos europeos.
I am sorry but the Czech Republic is not a small country, even in European terms.
Perfecto, podría pensar usted, ya estaríamos almorzando; sin embargo, permítanme disentir.
So much the better, you might think, for we would already be at lunch, but allow me to disagree.
Tal es la influencia del dinero de la UE que disentir de la sabiduría percibida se tacha casi de herejía.
Such is the grip of EU money that dissent from the perceived wisdom is treated almost as heresy.
Este Parlamento tiene derecho a disentir de estos acuerdos.
This House has the right of dissent from these agreements.
Me tomo la libertad de disentir con el señor Cohn-Bendit.
I take the liberty of disagreeing with Mr Cohn-Bendit.
Aquí me permito disentir de lo que dijo el Sr. Souchete.
Here I beg to differ from what Mr Souchet said.
Señor Presidente, suelo coincidir al 100 % con lo que dice mi amigo, el señor Kamall, pero hoy me permito disentir.
Mr President, normally I agree one hundred percent with what my friend, Mr Kamall, says, but today I beg to differ.
La libertad es siempre libertad para disentir.
Freedom is always the freedom to dissent.
. – Señor Presidente, Señorías, parafraseando sus palabras iniciales, señor Straw, estoy aquí y me permito disentir.
MrPresident, ladies and gentlemen, to paraphrase your introductory words, MrStraw, I am here and I beg to differ.
En consecuencia, vamos a disentir en numerosos puntos de la postura del Grupo PPE-DE.
In that way, we shall in quite a few respects be departing from the position adopted by the Group of the European People' s Party and European Democrats.
cayó por disentir con ellos
he came to grief because he disagreed with them
cayó por disentir con ellos
he lost his job because he disagreed with them
siento disentir con usted
I'm sorry to disagree with you
siento disentir con usted
I beg to differ
disentir en algo
to disagree about sth
disentir con algn
to disagree with sb
disentir de algo
to disagree with sth
disentir de algo
to dissent from sth
No obstante, voy a disentir de la convicción reflejada en el informe respecto a que resolveremos este problema mediante los flujos migratorios.
I am, however, going to dissent from the conviction to be found in the report that this problem will be resolved for us by migration movements.
Desgraciadamente, me veo obligado a disentir completamente con él por lo que respecta a los efectos del acuerdo que ahora nos ocupa desde el punto de vista de la protección de animales.
Unfortunately, however, I must totally disagree with him as far as protection of animals in the agreement is concerned.