
"despotism" in Spanish

"despotism" in Spanish
However, it can become an enlightened despotism.
Sin embargo, puede convertirse en despotismo ilustrado.
The European Union should not, as a general rule, employ despotism.
Como norma general, la Unión Europea no debe emplear el despotismo.
There is no reason, then, to give in to the despotism of evil.
No hay motivos, pues, para rendirse al despotismo del mal.
despot(also: tyrant)
He is a vile despot and we must cease all links with him and his regime.
Es un vil déspota y debemos romper cualquier vínculo con él y su régimen.
. - (DE) Mr President, you despot!
. - (DE) Señor Presidente, ¡es usted un déspota!
. - (DE) You cut me off, Mr President, when I called you a despot.
. - (DE) Señor Presidente, antes me interrumpió cuando dije que era usted un déspota.
despot(also: tyrant)

Synonyms (English) for "despotism":
Context examples for "despotism" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Since he came to power, despotism, fear and terror have reigned in Serbia.
Desde que está en el poder, en Serbia imperan la arbitrariedad, el miedo y el terror.
enlightened despotism
despotismo ilustrado
Mr President, the military dictatorship in power in Burma is once again becoming notorious for its cruelty, its inhumanity, its despotism.
Señor Presidente, una vez más, la dictadura militar establecida en Birmania acaba de ilustrarse por su crueldad, su inhumanidad y su arbitrariedad.
Granting the European Parliament a right of initiative in this highly sensitive domain would throw the door wide open to party-political despotism.
El derecho de iniciativa del Parlamento Europeo abriría el camino para que la arbitrariedad de los partidos políticos acabara invadiendo asimismo este ámbito altamente sensible.
According to this, the legislative, the executive and the judicial powers have to remain distinct from one another; otherwise a nation's citizens are vulnerable to despotism.
Con arreglo a este reparto, es necesario separar los poderes legislativo, ejecutivo y judicial ya que, de lo contrario, los ciudadanos se verían expuestos a arbitrariedades.